MC NeeKo
What Up What Up?

I never saw myself pushing papers. I was more of the type to push the envelope. Sending positive messages to those within an earshot. While on a constant conquest for a way to reach more people, I founded hip-hop. It was like that ice-cold glass of water on the hottest summer day. Before I ever even took a sip, I examined it from the outside. Every bead of condensation was a new avenue to explore. Every crack of the ice was a different feeling to let out. It was time to empty my own glass and start chugging that one.
So here I am years after that first drink, and the thirst remains stronger than ever. I took it from a hobby on the side to the forefront of my life and never looked back. My influences come from the world around me, and from the diversity of the people I interact with. I’m part of that fun loving generation of kids that doesn’t have time to sweat the small stuff, and I can see the big picture before I even finish drawing it. For me, it has always been about the relation of self-expression to others, in a way that they can feel.
I’m here to bring the smiles out of the grumpiest people and the tears out of the stiffest upper lips. I’ve seen the rough times and I’ve seen the great times, what I know is that you learn a lot more from the rough ones. My goal is to make feel good hip-hop music, the way that it was originally bred to be. All in all, it’s been quite a journey for me to this point, with each new experience adding to my cup. The cup that is now about to over flow, I sure hope that you’re thirsty.
[email protected]Download Dimples & Curls (FREE ALBUM)

Download Dimples & Curls (FREE ALBUM)

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